Category Archives: Uncategorized


The cicadas are done for the season and I am grateful because

They make so much noise I cannot hear the rattle snakes which are much more dangerous.

I stomp my feet as I walk around anyway.

The Mullen has gone to seed as well so I do not wade in the tall grass as much.

Now the crickets are playing their songs,

Some louder than others.

They are so distracted searching for mates they do not see me and occasionally land in my hair or hit my face.

In the morning air I smell the approach of winter.

Never ending


The owl has moved to the tree outside my door again. i listen as he softly sings in the dark.

Candle light flickers on this fall morning, caressing the windows and walls without pause.

I look at my feet and think of all the places  near and far I have stepped.

My feet are not tired.

This longing to move, run, climb,

And dance never ending.

I feel the electricity move through my body as my feet feel the earth,

Filling my mind with wonder and my heart with anticipation.

I am on my way,

On my way.


She tried to leap with her eyes closed,

Keeping a tight hold

On to people and places dear to her heart.



Driving off the map, out of the planned journey.

But when she fell into this deep,



All she had

Was the sound of her breathing and her 

Heart beating;

And there

The whole world changed.

Sacred solitary immersion.

Falling yet floating in the unity of the universal


Blinded by the darkness she now sees

And all is well.

A Message


Originally posted on November 7, 2015


Sat in the jungle

And dissolved into the stillness.

Jaguar approached me 

And pierced my skin.

As blood fell to the jungle floor 

She said,

“This is the blood of everyone.

The anguish of your mothers 

And fathers 

Has already been shed.

You are anew.

You choose to carry pain from the past 

Because believe you are supposed to.

Release it.

It is not yours to carry.

Your ancestors 

And all of the universe 

Wish for you to 

Let it go.”


He stands on the edge of

Everywhere meets nowhere;

All collides with nothing.

Patiently waiting. 

Looking ahead

Hand outstretched behind him,

He Reaches

Knowing she is 


Surfing the waves of time,

She is coming.

With a touch

Light and dark merge;


All that was in motion now still,

What was dispersed now melding.

Immersion into silence,

On they go into the knowing.