Tag Archives: prison

Mind Made


Some will see the beautiful light of another soul,

Who loves unhidden,

And they will be consumed by self,

Pointing out and focusing only on the shadows cast.

Do not be disheartened for they themselves are in A dark place and have not looked within Themselves to see their own beautiful light.

Keep shining ;

Keep loving unattached to their words and definitions.

Do not remain trapped in a human mind made prison.

You are enough as are they.

You have always been free.

You are free.



Her secret is this,
(Though she has been set free)

Sometimes she longs for the

False safety of her prison

Yet wakes up at night in

A sweat

From a nightmare

That she has returned.

Sleep does not welcome her


After that.


Motionless for fear of

Being caught,

She will not blink.

Covers soaked and wrapped around her as if

Some magical

Shield from monsters and beasts.

In the darkness she hides.

She prays

For peace within

A prison of a

Different sort.